


When something happens that shatters a life beyond recognition, what becomes of the soul?

Trapped in a gilded cage for as long as she can remember, Hannah has tried to escape numerous times, in countless ways. Sheā€™s been told all along that thereā€™s something wrong with her, something that her doctors canā€™t diagnose. But what is life without freedom? Hannah would rather die than stay imprisoned forever.

Another escape, once more the door slams shut with her locked behind it. Then Trevor offers her a way out, one that might actually mean permanent liberation for her. But at what cost? Trevor doesnā€™t know the truth about her. Despite her fear that heā€™ll be like all the others and turn away from her in horror, she longs to share her secret with him.

Trevor has worked hard to make up for all the mistakes heā€™s made in his life. Helping Hannah feels like the right thing to do ā€“ more than anything else heā€™s ever done. But, to free her, the risks he takes asks more of him than he thought possible.

After all, enemies arenā€™t only outside in the world. Some are inside usā€¦ we just donā€™t know itā€¦