
Space Balls : Houston, We Have Liftoff


Billionaire Rose West suffers no fools.

Growing up abandoned by her parents and left to the socialite wolves at an all-girl boarding school, Rose learned early on how to survive with a smile, a wink, and cleavage full of cash.

As an oil baroness, a soon-to-be honors graduate from a prestigious university, and a fairly attractive woman --if you’re into big hair and bigger boobs-- Rose is poised to take over the world.

Too bad she has no idea what she wants to do with her life.

Hashtag quarterlife crisis

NASA astronaut Vance Bodaway made a deal with himself a long time ago—be an astronaut, be alone.

After his Army captain father died in action, Vance saw first-hand what losing a husband did to his mother. He promised himself to never put someone he cares about in that situation.

So he keeps his dating life casual and has made peace with not having a family of his own.

Until a feisty blonde with a penchant for glitter and trouble enters his orbit, challenging all his hard-and-fast rules.

Hashtag friends with benefits.

But between Rose’s pole dance classes with Vance’s mom, their hands-free shot contest at the bar, and a run-in with mall security during a Black Friday shopping fiasco, their no-strings-attached booty calls agreement starts to cross emotional stopgaps neither one of them knew they had.

And when a different clock starts ticking, the kind with a “T-minus nine months” countdown, will these two be able to power cycle through their emotional baggage and lift-off into love?

Or will they crash and burn?