
Stop Worrying : Live in the peace & favor of God


I have a question for you, and I hope youā€™ll be honest with yourself about the answer: Are there areas of your life you would enjoy more if you worried less? If so, I want you to make the same decision I made years ago. Decide to do something about it. Many of us have heard the tips that are meant to help us stop worrying, but weā€™re still living a life plagued with worry. Some of us have believed the lie of worry to such an extent that we actually think itā€™s a good thing. We think that, if we donā€™t worry about our kids, weā€™re not loving them. If we donā€™t worry enough about money, weā€™re not being good providers. Or if we arenā€™t worried about our job or the future, we feel lazy or apathetic. The truth is God did not create you to be a worrier. There is a place of balance He intends for you to live where you still care about life without constantly worrying about it. When I look back at where I was 5 years ago, I see a completely different person. God has taken a nervous wreck like me and given me a heart of peace. This book isnā€™t just me talking the talk. In it, I share principles from Godā€™s word that help us win against worry, but I also share my personal journey of practically walking those principles out. You donā€™t have to live in a constant state of anxiety. You can walk down a different path. So, what are you waiting for? Come with me as we journey down a better path. Stop worrying, and start living in the peace and favor of God every day.

Verteller: Troy Black