
Stranded at the Sandbar : A Sweet, Castaway, Military Romance


People dream of being stranded in paradiseā€¦ until it happens for real.

You know those dumb quizzes on social media that tell you to pick the one person you wouldnā€™t mind being stuck on a deserted island with? Well, a few months ago, I would have said Kate. I thought she was the one. Until she ghosted me.

Now sheā€™s back and wants to make amends. She had a reason for what she did, even if it hurt, so against my better judgment I invited her to go fishing on my boat. I definitely didnā€™t plan for what happened next.

Now weā€™re stuck together. And even though I'm falling for her all over again, I just canā€™t shake what happened last time. Not with a deployment looming. What happens if history repeats itself and Iā€™m not here to stop it?

But first, we need to get through this whole being stranded thing. And then after weā€™re rescued, weā€™ll deal with the rest. Because thereā€™s no time for romance when youā€™re busy trying to survive, right?