
The Boy Inventors' Diving Torpedo Boat


The Runaway Car

The "White Shark"

A Wonderful Craft

More Strange Discoveries

A Wild Chase

Jack Makes a Promise

The Launching of the Model

Jupe Battles with a Water Monster

Off on the Strangest Craft on Record

In Dire Danger

Tom's Plan for Rescue

A British Skipper

An Important Telegram

The Voice in the Dark

The Man Behind the Mystery

Adam Duke's Methods

The Tables Are Turned

Heaven's Intervention

An Insufficient Disguise

A Naval Encounter

A Fresh Danger

A Narrow Escape

The "White Shark" and the Squadron

A Mystery Adrift

Lost in the Fog

"A Phantom of Light"

Land Is Sighted

A Single Chance

A Fortunate Find

A Fish Story

Facing a Serious Situation

The "White Shark" to the Rescue