
THE ELECTORAL COLLEGE : A Biography of America's Peculiar Creation Through the Eyes of the People Who Shaped It


A timely look at how the Electoral College has changed US history and why it endures—told through the lenses of specific people who both influenced the process and were impacted by the results.

"Over the years, no feature of the Constitution has attracted more criticism than that strange creature called the Electoral College. Thomas E. Weaver has made that history into a story with an intriguing cast of characters, some familiar, several new to me. If you want to know why it is so hard to do away with this long-standing anachronism, Weaver's story will help you understand." —JOSEPH J. ELLIS, Professor Emeritus of History, Mount Holyoke College, author of Pulitzer Prize–winning Founding Brothers: The Revolutionary Generation

"Those who think that throwing stones at political institutions is the same as reasoned debate should take some lessons from this carefully researched book. With a cast of colorful characters in tow, Weaver examines the long-standing controversies surrounding the EC and sets out numerous proposals for reform, which range from outright abolition to removing the "plus two" clause. Weaver brings a wealth of historical research to the task, writing with authority and clarity." —Kirkus

Verteller: Steve Menasche
