
The Encore Bride : A Sweet Contemporary Romance about Second Chances


Jenny Landon doesnā€™t believe in happy endingsā€¦

The tragic death of her husband has convinced her that dreams donā€™t last and she never wants to risk losing her happinessā€”or her heart ever again. Sheā€™s totally unprepared to fall in love a second time, but when she meets Luke McCarran at her sisterā€™s engagement party, his ability to understand her pain suggests he isnā€™t like other men. Can she bury the past and learn to love again?

Luke McCarran believes true love doesnā€™t get an encoreā€¦

Luke has his hands full with his business and a difficult teenage son. At thirty-eight, heā€™s too young to be widowed but doesnā€™t believe heā€™ll ever fall in love again because heā€™s lost his soul mate. Then he meets Jenny Landon and he learns that although falling in love this time may be different, it is just as real. Will he convince Jenny they were meant to be together?

A sweet romantic story about second chances.

Verteller: Lorana L. Hoopes