
The Hurting Circus : Blood Red Turns Dollar Green Volume 3


The conclusion of the acclaimed trilogy in which professional wrestling meets Empire, called ā€œa one-of a kind literary offering for die-hard wrestling fansā€ (RollingStone.com).

Itā€™s been twelve years since the New York wrestling territory was nearly burned to the ground. Twelve years since millions of dollars were lost because of a single bullet. Twelve years since Lenny Long last saw his family before being thrown in jail for killing Danno Garland. Now, Lenny has walked out of jail a changed man.

Back on the outside, things havenā€™t gotten any easier. Dannoā€™s death has made the spotlight shine on the world of professional wrestling a little too brightly for the comfort of many. Senator Tanenbaum is leading the charge to shut the whole thing down, while the other wrestling bosses havenā€™t wasted any time in trying to consolidate their territories and grab new ones. But Dannoā€™s old crew isnā€™t about to let the other promoters take what is rightfully theirs, at least not without a fight. And, try as he might to get home, Lennyā€™s role in it all isnā€™t over.

In this thrilling final chapter of Paul Oā€™Brienā€™s gritty Blood Red Turns Dollar Green trilogy, it all comes down to Lenny. And twelve years is a long time to think and to plan.