
They Don't Have to See You : Be a better Remote Manager & build trust with you employees


Be a manager for the new age and energize the remote ecosystem by applying effective managerial strategies

Are you eager to tap into the transformative power of remote work?

Do you feel out of touch with your remote employees and are afraid that you’ll become obsolete in this new age of working?

If the above fears rings true for you, then you have come to the right place – there is a bucketful of helpful management advice that’ll help you upgrade your managerial skills effectively.

In the US, a staggering 72% of managers currently supervising remote workers want to revert to the traditional way of managing their subordinates – by going back to the office.

However, the vast majority of workers prefer a more flexible work arrangement, and studies clearly show that the “new normal” of remote work is here to stay.

This guidebook will give you the knowledge and ability to lead your team effectively in the age of remote work.

A step-by-step guide on how to create and maintain a healthy remote work ecosystem Powerful tips on remotely hiring top talent for your organization – including a list of top places to look for the best talent An inventory of effective and helpful tips for managers to handle employee burnout and nurture mental wellbeing The remote work multiverse – learn the nitty-gritty of the remote work culture How managers can promote healthy communication in the remote workspace – including a list of recommended tools for instant communication Virtual meeting guide 101 Remote management is not about keeping tabs on your employees. It’s about fostering productivity, collaboration, and engagement, no matter where you are in the world.

Verteller: Adam Lofbomm