
TO DO LIST: A Helpful Formula That Guides Us to Get Things Done Efficiently


Do you feel frustrated because you can't seem to finish every item on your daily to-do lists? Do you feel discouraged because you're not effectively managing your workload and responsibilities at your office and home?

If so, it's not your fault.

Millions of people are using to-do lists that set them up for failure. No matter how hard they work, they're left with a laundry list of unfinished tasks at the end of each day.

In To-Do List Formula, you'll discover:

Barriers to Productivity Time Management and Productivity Time Management, Happiness, and Increased Productivity Time Management, Attention Span, and Productivity Time Management, Distractions, and Productivity Productivity and Success Habits of Successful Time Managers Time Management Personality Types Successful People and How They Manage Time Task Prioritization and Scheduling Scheduling and its Importance The Basics of Scheduling Task Scheduling Tools Techniques That Improve Time Management Spilling the Beans with 25+ Time Management Tips and Hacks 30 Days Productivity Challenge and Much, Much More!