The liner on which Lee Mappin was travelling on what was to be one of his most dangerous and exciting missions slid unescorted from New York, her sides brilliantly flood-lit to display the neutral flag of Portugal. Among the passengers who crowded every cabin were several in whom Lee took more than a mild interest; the good-looking, smiling young Ronald Franklin, for instance, who said he was an American agent for Swiss watches; John Stanley, going out to the hard-pressed U.S. Legation in Lisbon, and his young wife Vera, daughter of a wealthy tobacco nabob; Kate McDonald, the smartly dressed but slightly pseudo-Scottish woman. Whatever the divers purposes which prompted their voyage to Europe their immediate activities were going to be very much the concern of Lee Mappin.
Black Cat Weekly #180
Nina Kiriki Hoffman, Sherry Harris, Hal Charles, Marcelle Dubé, R.T. Lawton, Charles Walter, Larry Tritten, Lin Carter, Hulbert Footner
bookMappin of de dood van een saboteur: misdaadroman
Hulbert Footner
bookMappin of Wie doodde de echtgenoot? Misdaadroman
Hulbert Footner
bookBlack Cat Weekly #101
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Hulbert Footner
bookAntennae : Uncovering Secrets in a Twisted Web of Deception
Hulbert Footner
bookBlack Cat Weekly #95
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bookPutting Crime Over
Hulbert Footner
bookCap'n Sue
Hulbert Footner
bookThe Woman from Outside [On Swan River]
Hulbert Footner
bookThe Velvet Hand. New Madame Storey Mysteries
Hulbert Footner
bookBlack Cat Weekly #37
Naomi Kritzer, N. M. Cedeño, Hal Charles, Janice Law, A.R. Morlan, Malcolm Jameson, George O. Smith, Hulbert Footner, Nicholas Carter, Otis Adelbert Kline