
Vampire Bound: Complete Series, Books 1-4


Become a bartender at The Vixenā€™s Den, they said. The owner isnā€™t really a vampire, they said. Itā€™ll be fun, they said.

And suddenly Iā€™m neck deep in a world Iā€™ve never really believed in, no matter what my crazy Great Aunt Mabel used to say.

Seriously, I have more than enough drama in my life already, without adding an irresistibly mesmerizing nightclub owner to the mix. My bossā€”a man with a penchant for trouble and the echo of tragedy lurking behind his dark gaze.

My new coworkers appear to be universally insane. My deadbeat ex is in trouble with a capital ā€œT,ā€ and if history is any indication, heā€™ll do his best to drag my son and me right along with him. In other news, Iā€™m also being hounded by creditors who seem to think you can make money appear in someoneā€™s bank account by threatening them over the phone.

(Though to be fair, if that approach worked, Iā€™d be all for it. Spoiler alertā€”it doesnā€™t.)

To top it all off, while my back was turned, Iā€™ve somehow become a chess piece in a cold war between supernatural factions. Just because magic supposedly runs in my family doesnā€™t mean I know the first thing about Fae or demons or vampires or any of this craziness.

But it looks like Iā€™m gonna have to learn. Because now theyā€™re coming after the thing I hold most dear ā€” my son. And Iā€™ll do anything to get him back.

Watch out, paranormal world. Hell hath no fury like a motherā€™s wrath.


Vampire Bound is a new urban fantasy romance series by R. A. Steffan, set in the same world as the bestselling series The Last Vampire. Download the complete series today, and enter a world shared by humans, fae, demons, and vampires. Itā€™s a place where the supernatural threatens the mundane, nothing is as it seems, and love will either be the worldā€™s downfallā€”or its salvation.

Verteller: Gwendolyn Druyor