Bodhi King

A corpse in a cornfield. Neighbor waging war against neighbor. A journal written in code. Forensic pathology Bodhi Kingā€™s silent retreat at Buddhism monastery hasnā€™t been as contemplative, or silent, as he hoped. Bodhiā€™s plan was to meditate on the meaning of a recent run-in with an old flame, but instead heā€™s pressed into service to identify a murdered stranger. He teams up with a pair of federal agents, a bold, brainy plant pathologist, and the no-nonsense, small-town police chief. The playersā€™ loyalties shift continually, and nothingā€™s as it seems. Counseled by his Buddhist monk hosts, and out of his depth, Bodhi finds himself in the middle of investigation with international political and financial implications. And, to think, all he wanted was a little peace and quiet.