Falling For A Cowboy

Raven meets Ben once a year. She doesnā€™t have his details. Just meets this sexy, hot farmer when heā€™s down for the Royal Show in Adelaide. Thatā€™s how itā€™s been for the last two years. Will he show up this year at their rendezvous place? Or has he found love with someone else in the last year? Ben is an alpaca farmer who comes to the Royal Show each year. His isolated and busy life means he hasnā€™t found love. But then thereā€™s the financial pressures of the farm that keep him occupied and the drought thatā€™s weighing heavily on whether or not he has a future in farming. The meeting with Raven is an arrangement that happened by chance. Itā€™s worked for the last two years, but will it work again this year? Itā€™s just a yearly fling with her. But this year, things are different. Both their lives are changing in ways they hadnā€™t planned. Will they allow the changes to occur and find a way to be together? Can the lust between Raven and Ben develop into something more?