null Giordano Bruno

Prague, 1588. The court of the Holy Roman Emperor, Rudolf II, is a haven for scientists, astrologers and alchemists. The dream ā€“ to discover the philosopherā€™s stone and attain immortality. But now there are rumours of heresy. Giordano Bruno is sent to Prague as a spy for Elizabeth I. He arrives to find the palace in uproar ā€“ an alchemist has been murdered. Ordered by the emperor to uncover the killer, Bruno must negotiate the jostling factions at court, as well as the religious tensions brewing in the city. And his hunt to track down a murderer soon proves as elusive as the elixir of life itselfā€¦ The Timesā€˜The clever twists and turns of are assuredly plotted and Prague, a city in religious and political turmoil, makes for a powerful settingā€™Alchemy Sunday Timesā€˜Over the past dozen years, S. J. Parrisā€™s novelsā€¦ have been among the most enjoyable of all historical thrillersā€™ ā€˜Breathless pace and acutely observed detail make for a story that confounds and surprisesā€™Observer S. J. Parris's book was a bestseller w/c 03-07-2023AlchemySunday Times The new historical crime thriller, a bestseller, perfect for fans of C. J. Sansom and Hilary MantelSunday Times A COURT IN TURMOIL A MURDERED ALCHEMIST AN UNFORGIVING ENEMY Praise forAlchemy