Prince of the Other Worlds

Andi doesnā€™t do feelings and she definitely doesnā€™t do dragons. Andi Ngo is familiar with making bad decisions. For once in her life, sheā€™s making the right choice, the safe choice. But why does it feel so wrong? Andi saw something she shouldnā€™t have: a world filled with monsters, magic, talking catsā€¦and giant, fire-breathing dragons. She didnā€™t need a crystal ball to know that she didnā€™t belong in it, so she walked away from destiny. But now that sheā€™s back to her depressingly mundane existence as a night nurse and chasing down her troublesome brother, she canā€™t help remembering everything she saw and felt with Damian: all consuming passion and a connection. Feeling like she mattered, that someone saw her for herself, and wanted her for his own. When she discovers a new dangerous magic threatening her patients, thereā€™s only one person who might be able to help her. Can she risk going to Damian? One might walk free from a dragon once, but twice?