The Fantastic Adventures of Compu-M.E.C.H.

Monolith Comics Presents, The fantastic adventures of Compu-M.E.C.H.!

In credible humorous story about the Compu-M.E.C.H. Programm. We learn how Dr. green the adsentmidned invetor the super powered robot The M.E.C.H. Unit fights crime with the aid of Tommy and Lesa Chase.

Tommy is the controller of the M.E.C.H. Unit via a virtual program, where the robot responds to his every whim.

Our trio of heroes plus The M.E.C.H. Unit are also aided by the children of the world by using their cell phone to text message. They report suspicous criminal activity to the heroes who respond immeadiately too the situation at hand.

You will enjoy this humorus version with them!

Look out for the Spanich edition.