Vampire Navy SEAL: Sam & Layla

The fate of humankind rests on the shoulders of one of our own flesh and blood. A child whose mere existence has the power to send shockwaves through the world, throwing everything off balance. But amidst this prophecy lies a grim reality - a second prediction that includes my head on a spike. Itā€™s not my life Iā€™m worried about but my childrenā€™s. Two of them have been abducted, and the thought of losing them forever is unbearable. My heart aches for my precious ones, especially Orion, who desperately needs his fatherā€™s blood to survive. Desperation claws at my throat as I traverse this treacherous path alongside my formidable vampire husband, Sam Mason. Each passing second feels like an eternity, and the mounting obstacles we face only add to the torment. Every suspect brings a new layer of uncertainty, and even our closest allies are not beyond suspicion. And now, a new, dangerous supernatural group has emerged, throwing our plans into disarray. My mind teeters on the brink of madness, not knowing where my children are or if theyā€™re okay. I feel like part of me has been ripped away, leaving an empty void that nothing can fill, and Iā€™m terrified that I might not live long enough to hold Orion and Luna in my arms again. But nothing can stop Sam and me. Weā€™ll burn down the planet to find our babies and bring them home where they belong. The Prophecy is book six in the continuing saga in this enemies-to-lovers paranormal romance featuring Sam & Layla. Their story is rife with action, suspense, snarky banter, a slow-burn romance thatā€™s sure to singe your e-reader and ends on a cliffhanger. This is an ongoing series that begins in The Hunted. For a better reading experience, the books should be read in order. Series Reading Order: The Hunted The Predator The Union The Dawning The Prodigies The Prophecy The Rebirth