Unlock the more straightforward side of An Ideal Husband with this concise and insightful summary and analysis!
This engaging summary presents an analysis of An Ideal Husband by Oscar Wilde, which tells the story of Sir Robert Chiltern, a well-liked politician who is considered a bastion of morality by everyone he knows, especially his wife. However, an acquaintance of the Chilterns, Mrs Cheveley, uncovers a secret from Sir Robert’s past that could ruin both his reputation and his wife’s good opinion if were to become common knowledge. Sir Robert finds himself caught between a rock and a hard place as Mrs Cheveley attempts to blackmail him into supporting a fraudulent scheme that would leave his good name equally tarnished, and is forced to turn to his friend, the dandyish aesthete Lord Goring, to help him find a way out of this conundrum… Oscar Wilde was one of the most fascinating authors of the 19th century, known as much for his witticisms as for his writing. His most notable works include the novel The Picture of Dorian Gray and the comic plays An Ideal Husband and Lady Windermere’s Fan.
Find out everything you need to know about An Ideal Husband in a fraction of the time!
This in-depth and informative reading guide brings you:
• A complete plot summary
• Character studies
• Key themes and symbols
• Questions for further reflection
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