
How to Obtain Fullness of Power in Christian Life and Service


From many earnest hearts there is rising a cry for more power: more power in our personal conflict with the world, the flesh, and the devil, more power in our work for others. The Bible makes the way to obtain this longed for power very plain. There is no presumption in undertaking to tell “How to obtain Fulness of Power in Christian Life and Service”; for the Bible itself tells, and the Bible was intended to be understood. The Bible statement of the way is not mystical nor mysterious, it is very plain and straightforward. If we will only make personal trial of “The Power of the Word of God,” “The Power of the Blood of Christ,” “The Power of the Holy Spirit,” “The Power of Prayer,” “The Power of a Surrendered Life,” we will then know “The Fulness of Power in Christian Life and Service.” We will try to make this plain in the following chapters.

The present volume has been written partly in response to a request from some who have used the author’s book “How to Bring Men to Christ,” that he would write another book for use in the training of those who have come to Christ. But the book has also another and far more important purpose. There are many who do not even know that there is a life of abiding rest, joy, satisfaction, and power; and many others who, while they think there must be something beyond the life they know, are in ignorance as to how to obtain it. This book is written to help them.