English Czech Bilingual children's book. Perfect for kids learning English or Czech as their second language. Fun bedtime story with important message. Jimmy the little bunny doesn't start off knowing how to ride a two-wheeler bike like his big brothers. ICroatian English Bilingual book for children. Perfect for kids learning English or Croatian as their second language. Fun bedtime story with important message. Jimmy the little bunny doesn't start off knowing how to ride a two-wheeler bike like his big brothers. In fact, sometimes he gets teased for it. When Dad shows Jimmy how not to be afraid to try something new, that's when the fun begins.
Sweet Dreams, My Love! Drøm sødt, min kære!
Shelley Admont
bookIch putze meine Zähne gern I Love to Brush My Teeth
Shelley Admont
bookI Love to Go to Daycare Jag älskar att gå till förskolan
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Shelley Admont, KidKiddos Books
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bookGoodnight, My Love! ደህና እደር የኔ ፍቅር!
Shelley Admont, KidKiddos Books
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bookI Love to Brush My Teeth Zoubky si čistím velmi rád
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