
…just till over there!


The Sarek Nationalpark - mystical vastness within the universe of trekkers in Northern Europe. According to the desire of the nationalpark management to keep this alpine mountainscape in its originality there are intentionally no huts , no chuck depots and only a few bridges, that were established for the local Sami. The Sarek Nationalpark was previously seen as the „last wilderness of Europe“.

The park is still bearing the impress of being exactly that. Those, who arrive here making the claim to satisfy their craving for recognition by „conquering the wilderness“ are truly out of place – the routes are not more difficult than elsewhere. But who wants to wander through the Sarek because of the marvelous landscape will get his money‘s worth.

2012: in the year of the divined doomsday a 3-head-strong crew (father, son and friend of the family) embarks on a trekking tour into the wild beauty of the arctic nature – before it is too late. The destination is the Sarek Nationalpark in Swedish Lapland.

The journalized recordings of the 20-days-tour are shot through with quotes from the works of Knut Hamsun and Carl von Linné as well as with interesting background information about the country and its people.

Finally the trekking newcomer gets to know some useful tips , which may be helpful for a positive experience an outdoor stay of this type can give.

The recordings were made from the point of view of one of the protagonists and are no guide book for hiking, but want to put across the reader an amusing impression of the more or less happy events.

Included now: stage statistics.