Love Your Neighbor makes the case for capitalism as the only system that can end poverty, solve intractable
crises, and increase human flourishing.
Love Your Neighbor builds on the National Best Seller Flight of the Buffalo by Ralph Stayer with James
Belasco. Ralph's story and experience transformed the business world. It offers a bold and straightforward
plan for rethinking leadership—still taught in business schools and leadership seminars worldwide. Finally,
after decades of more experience, Love Your Neighbor delivers the sequel that readers demanded. Love Your
Neighbor is the fruit of that patience—and thirty years of reflection and leadership.
As the longtime CEO of Johnsonville Foods, Ralph learned to let his workers lead. Love Your Neighbor shows
that the real secret behind Johnsonville's success was a conscious decision to align the company's practices
with God's plan for human flourishing.
Love Your Neighbor defends and champions capitalism which continues to be under attack in America—and
why faith-informed capitalism is the only vehicle that can bring prosperity and purpose to everyone.
Love Your Neighbor goes beyond that of another pretty sermon—it's a blueprint for transformation based on
Ralph's decades of experience as one of America's most successful CEOs. It provides a moral foundation for
capitalism during a time of challenge and crisis, demonstrating its vast superiority over socialism and other fallen
economic systems. Ralph's experience at Johnsonville Foods points to a proud and unapologetic conviction in
capitalism that serves God, builds strong communities, and embodies what it means to love your neighbor.