
Minimalist Budget, Money Management Skills and Minimalism & Decluttering : A Guide for Beginners on Managing Bad Credit, Debt, Saving & Personal Finance. Your Money Your Life


Minimalism Three Books in One

In this book, you'll find:

Minimalist Budget, Book 1:

How do you apply minimalism to your finances? The short answer is that it begins with a paradigm shift, and it ends with better management of your finances.

At the heart of the minimalist budget is a perspective on getting more quality out of each purchase. It requires the habit of spending money on things that really matter to you, ergo a change in the point of view as to why you spend and then you change how you spend.

This book will teach you about:

What a minimalist budget is, its functions, and its benefits How you can use any budget and then tweak it to become a minimalist budget Lots of budgeting tips in the minimalist way The financial formula for minimalist budgeting success How to handle your emotions when you’re emotionally triggered to spend money out of control How to get out of debt Note that these principles are told from a very personal level and they’re drawn from the experiences of the author.

Minimalist Budget, Book 2:

Close to half of the United States population relies on debt to sustain the quality of their lives.

Now, a huge part of your ability to make those debts is based on your credit score.

Can you imagine what your life would be like with a bad one?

What about a stellar one?

Imagine all the doors that would open to you with a credit score that’s close to “Very Good” in the official rating!

This is what this book is all about - helping you achieve financial stability not just through the numbers in your bank account but also through the perceptions of society. Our goal is to put you in such a strong financial position that your next debt or mortgage will be approved without questions and even better - with a low-interest rate.