
Socialist Vision


Who is Socialist Vision

Leo Huberman was an American socialist economist. In 1949 he founded and co-edited Monthly Review with Paul Sweezy. He was the chair of the Department of Social Science at New College, Columbia University; labor editor of the newspaper PM; and the author of the popular history books Man's Worldly Goods and We, the People: The Drama of America.

How you will benefit

(I) Insights about the following:

Chapter 1: Leo Huberman

Chapter 2: Scott Nearing

Chapter 3: Monthly Review

Chapter 4: Irving Howe

Chapter 5: Robert Heilbroner

Chapter 6: Paul Sweezy

Chapter 7: F. O. Matthiessen

Chapter 8: Paul A. Baran

Chapter 9: Harry Magdoff

Chapter 10: George Breitman

Chapter 11: James Boggs (activist)

Chapter 12: John Bellamy Foster

Chapter 13: Ellen Meiksins Wood

Chapter 14: Marcel Liebman

Chapter 15: Monopoly Capital

Chapter 16: Haim Kantorovitch

Chapter 17: David P. Berenberg

Chapter 18: Hal Draper

Chapter 19: Neo-Marxism

Chapter 20: Marxian economics

Chapter 21: Sweezy v. New Hampshire

Who this book is for

Professionals, undergraduate and graduate students, enthusiasts, hobbyists, and those who want to go beyond basic knowledge or information about Socialist Vision.