
The Everything Big Book of Fat Bombs : 200 Irresistible Low-carb, High-fat Recipes for Weight Loss the Ketogenic Way


Bite-sized snacks packed with delicious flavors and healthy fats!

Interested in trying the ketogenic diet and looking for some tasty recipes to try out? Look no further! The Everything Big Book of Fat Bombs delivers 200 indulgent sweet, savory, and liquid fat bombs recipes that will: Help get rid of those stubborn pounds. Take the place of sugary desserts. Boost energy levels before or after workouts. Help you reach your daily fat requirements, a necessity when maintaining ketosis. Fat bombs are high-fat, low-carb treats and snacks, ideal for boosting fat intake when following a ketogenic diet. With these easy recipes, you'll always have something delicious and satisfying to snack on while following the ketogenic diet, such as:

Fudgy Macadamia Nut Fat Bombs

Bacon and Egg Fat Bombs

Mocha Chia Pudding

Panna Cotta and Cream Hearts

Macaroon Fat Bombs

Savory Pizza Fat Bombs

Fried Queso Fresco