
The Shepheard's Calender: Twelve Aeglogues Proportional to the Twelve Monethes



Go, little Book! thyself present,

As child whose parent is unkent,

To him that is the President

Of Nobleness and Chivalry:

And if that Envy bark at thee,

As sure it will, for succour flee

Under the shadow of his wing.

And, asked who thee forth did bring,

A shepheard's swain, say, did thee sing,

All as his straying flock he fed:

And, when his Honour has thee read,

Crave pardon for thy hardyhed.

But, if that any ask thy name,

Say, thou wert base-begot with blame;

Forthy thereof thou takest shame.

And, when thou art past jeopardy,

Come tell me what was said of me,

And I will send more after thee.