
The Zodiac and the Salts of Salvation : The Connection Between Diseases and Astrological Signs (Book 1&2)


In 'The Zodiac and the Salts of Salvation', George W. Carey and Inez Eudora Perry have orchestrated a seminal anthology that delves into the intriguing intersection of astrological sciences and biochemical cell salts, framing an esoteric narrative that spans across various cultural and historical epochs. This collection stands out for its unique blend of metaphysical theory and practical health insights, presenting an expansive exploration of human wellness through the astrological lens. The works included navigate the complex tapestry of ancient wisdom and modern scientific inquiry, providing an unparalleled comprehensive guide to understanding the body's mineral needs according to the zodiac signs. The contributing authors, Carey and Perry, bring together a rich background of esoteric astrology and naturopathy, positioning this anthology at the confluence of historical, cultural, and literary movements that champion a holistic approach to health. Their collective expertise and pioneering research offer readers a profound insight into the correlation between celestial influences and physical well-being, encapsulating a groundbreaking philosophy that has influenced alternative medicine and astrological studies. 'The Zodiac and the Salts of Salvation' is an essential read for those seeking to deepen their understanding of the symbiotic relationship between the cosmos and human health. It beckons readers into a world where astrology and medicine converge, providing a unique educational journey through the zodiacal signs and their associated mineral salts. This anthology promises to enrich the reader's perspective on wellness, encouraging a holistic view of health that integrates the ancient and the modern, the celestial and the terrestrial.