The story revolves around the mysterious murder of Mr. James Tovey, a well-known greengrocer, followed by another death in the same area. The narrative introduces various characters, including Mr. Tovey’s daughter Ivy, and the herbalist Mr. Elmer Ludgrove, who may play significant roles in the unfolding mystery. At the start of the novel, the setting is introduced through the dreary and neglected Praed Street, which serves as a backdrop for the unfolding drama. Mr. Tovey is depicted as a hardworking fruit merchant who enjoys a quiet life with his family until his daughter Ivy's friendship with young Ted Copperdock raises concerns. When Tovey is called to St. Martha's Hospital to identify an accident victim, he tragically becomes a victim himself, found murdered under mysterious circumstances. The narrative quickly draws the reader into the investigation, exploring the interconnections between the characters and the motivations behind the crimes, hinting that the bustling street hides darker secrets waiting to be uncovered.
Fatal Descent
Carter Dickson, John Rhode
bookThe Fatal Garden
John Rhode
bookThe Bloody Tower
John Rhode
bookDeath Takes a Partner
John Rhode
bookThe Murders in Praed Street
John Rhode
bookDeath of a Bridegroom
John Rhode
bookBody Unidentified
John Rhode
bookMurder at Lilac Cottage
John Rhode
bookMurder at Derivale
John Rhode
bookDeath at the Inn
John Rhode
bookThe Fatal Pool
John Rhode
bookDr. Priestley Lays a Trap
John Rhode