
Shockproof : How to Hardwire Your Business for Lasting Success


As the economy moves through its cycles of growth and contraction, many companies get stuck in periods of poor performance and turn to quick fixes such as EVA, Kaizen, or Six Sigma that either deliver only short-term positive impact or cause more pain than the preexisting condition. However, to gain competitive advantage and achieve profitable growth throughout downturns in the economic cycle, companies must assess market trends and opportunities then dynamically align their business and talent strategies as well as organization design to seize opportunities and deliver results. Based on years of research conducted by Axiom Consulting Partners, Shockproof can assist managers in making and maintaining that necessary connection between strategies and organization to achieve sustainability. A Shockproof concept has the following important attributes: Agile and can rapidly reinvent itself as business conditions change Leadership knows how to mobilize people to execute and deliver results A workforce that is adaptive, inherently innovative, and energized by the rewards of success due to its connection to the business As priorities change and challenges arise throughout downturns in the economic cycle, learn how to reinvent your company to deliver profitable growth.

Fortæller: Emily Durante
