
Win at Work! : The Everybody Wins Approach to Conflict Resolution


Far too often we find ourselves frustrated with conflict at work. After years of seeing clients struggling to free themselves from destructive conflict, Diane developed The Working Circle, a step-by-step process that helps everyone in business resolve conflict in a non-confrontational, creative, collaborative way. We often find ourselves facing complex business questions about independence, moral values, face-saving, goal-setting, and leadership. Win at Work! offers real-life examples of people at pivotal points in their careers. It will reveal how you can move around the roadblocks that can sometimes stop you in your tracks. Win at Work! also helps those of us who are uncomfortable with conflict, giving them the tools that do not use confrontation and for those who just dont know what to do in the face of conflict at work, it provides language and process for a relatively painless resolution.

Fortæller: Kimberly Far
