"The Tale of Peter Rabbit" is a British children's book written and illustrated by Beatrix Potter that follows mischievous and disobedient young Peter Rabbit as he is chased about the garden of Mr. McGregor. He escapes and returns home to his mother, who puts him to bed after dosing him with tea. The tale was written for five-year-old Noel Moore, son of Potter's former governess Annie Carter Moore, in 1893. It was revised and privately printed by Potter in 1901 after several publishers' rejections, but was printed in a trade edition by Frederick Warne & Co. in 1902. The book was a success, and multiple reprints were issued in the years immediately following its debut. It has been translated into 36 languages, and with 45 million copies sold it is one of the best-selling books of all time.
The Tale of Tom Kitten illustrated
Beatrix Potter
bookThe Beatrix Potter Collection
Beatrix Potter
audiobookThe Greatest Children's Classics of All Time – Ultimate Collection: 1400+ Titles in One Book : Novels, Stories, Fantasy Classics, Fables, Fairytales, Adventures & Legends
Beatrix Potter, E. Nesbit, Kenneth Grahame, Thornton Burgess, Margery Williams, Ruth Stiles Gannett, Howard R. Garis, L. Frank Baum, Louisa May Alcott, Rudyard Kipling, Hugh Lofting, E. T. A. Hoffmann, Vishnu Sharma, Aesop, Hans Christian Andersen, Brothers Grimm, Andrew Lang, J. M. Barrie, Lewis Carroll, George MacDonald, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Oscar Wilde, Evelyn Sharp, Maurice Maeterlinck, Georgette Leblanc, John Ruskin, Carl Sandburg, Mary Louisa Molesworth, Johnny Gruelle, Carlo Collodi, George Haven Putnam, Johanna Spyri, Frances Hodgson Burnett, Emerson Hough, Eleanor H. Porter, Kate Douglas Wiggin, Dorothy Canfield, Susan Coolidge, Gertrude Chandler Warner, Mark Twain, R. L. Stevenson, John Meade Falkner, Thomas Bailey Aldrich, Charles Lamb, Mary Lamb, Jonathan Swift, Miguel Cervantes, Daniel Defoe, Harriet Beecher Stowe, Anna Sewell, Jack London, E. Boyd Smith, Jennie Hall, Howard Pyle, Marion John St. Webb, Jules Verne, Eva March Tappan, W. R. S. Ralston, Arthur Ransome
bookSamuel el bigotes - Dramatizado
Beatrix Potter
audiobookEl cuento del conejito Benjamín - Dramatizado
Beatrix Potter
audiobookEl cuento de la oca Paquita - Dramatizado
Beatrix Potter
audiobookPerico el conejo travieso - Dramatizado
Beatrix Potter
audiobookHistoria de la ardillita come nueces - Dramatizado
Beatrix Potter
audiobookUnos ratones traviesos - Dramatizado
Beatrix Potter
audiobookEl cuento de la tarta y el molde - Dramatizado
Beatrix Potter
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Beatrix Potter
audiobookAudiocuentos de Beatrix Potter - Dramatizado
Beatrix Potter
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