Iván Duque

Autor/a • 3 libros

Presidente de Colombia en el período 2018-2022. En el pasado, se desempeñó como senador de la República; jefe de la División de Cultura, Creatividad y Solidaridad del Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo (BID); asesor del Departamento de Asuntos Políticos de las Naciones Unidas, y consejero principal por Colombia en la Junta Directiva del BID, entre otros. Es autor de más de 9 libros, ha sido columnista en varios medios de comunicación y profesor universitario.Ha sido reconocido con las más altas condecoraciones en múltiples países, incluidas el Premio Theodore Roosevelt a la Conservación, otorgado por la prestigiosa International Conservation Caucus Foundation (ICCF); el Premio Woodrow Wilson al Servicio Público Global, y el Premio al Liderazgo Planetario 2022, otorgado por National Geographic. Está casado con María Juliana Ruiz y tienen 3 hijos: Luciana, Matías y Eloisa.A Colombian social innovator and philanthropist. He holds distinguished fellowships with the Bezos Earth Fund, Woodrow Wilson Center, and World Resources Institute. He is a board member of the Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTi) and fulfills a role as a Transformational Leadership Fellow at the Oxford University Blavatnik School of Government. Additionally, Duque contributes to Conservation International's board and the Africa Carbon Markets Initiative's steering committee, alongside his role as an ambassador for the Campaign for Nature.He currently leads the Concordia Amazon Initiative and has been named a Distinguished Fellow at both, the FIU Adam Smith Center and the Cornell University Emerging Markets Institute. He also serves on the McKinsey Sustainability Advisory Council.At 41, Duque was elected as the President of Colombia for the term of 2018-2022. In office, he was instrumental in expanding Colombia's protected areas from 13% to over 30%, driving the transition to renewable energy sources, and spearheading the Pact for Leticia. These achievements earned him the National Geographic’s Planetary Leadership Award and the Theodore Roosevelt Institute’s International Conservation Award.Duque is recognized as one of Latin America’s leading lecturers and consultants on sustainability and geopolitics, with a bibliography of over ten published books.