Scriptural Promises To Believers

Victory is our inheritance because we are a chosen generation of a Royal priesthood, ordained to conquer through the blood of the lamb Jesus Christ. We are heirs of God's kingdom and powers, let us continue to walk in His love and spirit, praise God with all your heart for guidance and protection. Jehovah is our shield, we take refuge in God's spirit and sanctuary all the days of our life. When enemy gathered like vultures to eat our flesh, Jehovah raised a standard of victory over my life, What are your reasons for being alive if you are not chasing daily after a legacy that will out live us all. Pick up the pace and push forward more forcefully until friction break open a quantum energy fields for your up-liftment. *2. Remove yourself intentionally, migrate to circles of people that you noticed them to be more successful In their life work. Congregate with Individuals that have what it takes to challenge you, keep company with people that bring out the best in you. Learn from qualified teachers specially those that practice what their subjects teach. Endeavor to find and mingle with those who love teaching and passing on knowledge. *3. Be gentle but firmed in your dealings, be eloquently brief in your conversation, appear classy and simple in your dressing always. 4 Listen more than you speak, that's why beings have one mouth to speak occasionally and two ears to listen more often. Be in touch with your spiritual side, choose to silently, prayerfully meditate from time to time, speak very rarely, except on occasions that left you with no choice. *5. Do charity work towards people that cant afford to pay you back, buy groceries for the poor elderly, visit the sick in hospitals with fruits and drinks for their appetites, donate your unused clothing, furniture and electronics to widows, orphans and destitute. *6. Rekindle your spiritual relationships with God to survive the pressures of life making demands on you every moment of our living.