This book is the flip to How To Be Happy; a book which offers a reassuring and empowering guide to finding positivity and inner strength, it helps individuals to understand that it is not what happens to them, it is the way that they react and respond. The book will support individuals in developing a personal toolkit that will equip them to cope with the day to day challenges that they will inevitably have to deal with. The key messages in the book will be to keep things simple and to avoid any unnecessary complexities. It will be an easy to digest, anecdotal and practical guide with lots of common sense advice to help individuals cope with stressful and challenging situations by building confidence and developing coping strategies. It will contain timely examples and tips tailored for these difficult times. Liggy's book shows how to avoid life's 'Doomerang' by bending adversity into opportunity for personal growth and enrichment. I found 'Resilience' a powerful an
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