
Abraham Lincoln: A Life 1864-1865


“Hold On with a Bulldog Grip and Chew and Choke as Much as Possible”: The Grand Offensive: (May-August 1864): The Spring Offensive is launched. A bogus presidential proclamation calling for volunteers and prayers causes panic throughout the North. Grant and Lee battle for six weeks until severe losses force them to a halt. Congressional Radicals pass a bill that will allow Southern States re-admittance to the Union as long as they give an oath that they never supported the Confederacy. Southern leaders spread bogus peace overtures. Lincoln reaffirms his commitment to the Emancipation.

“The Wisest Radical of All”: Reelection: (September-November 1864): McClellan is nominated by Democrats to run against Lincoln. Democrats launch a personal attack against Abraham and Mary Lincoln. The president defines the significance of the Union's cause. Maryland celebrates the Emancipation. The national election is held despite the war. Lincoln wins a second term.

“Let the Thing Be Pressed”: Victory

Lukija: Sean Pratt