
Be Bigger Than You Think You Are!: Overcoming Our Self-Imposed Limits to Have the Life We Want (SECOND EDITION)


My name is Peter Alessandria. I’m an Author, Speaker, Professional Photographer and former Entertainment Attorney. In the past few years, I’ve won more than 70 Awards for my photography. My pictures have been seen by millions of people online and in newspapers and magazines around the world. I’ve built a business as a professional photographer and have sold prints to Collectors as far away as Australia (I’m from New Jersey :-) ) And I became an Official Photographer for one of the world’s preeminent fireworks performance companies and travelled the US and world taking photos of their shows.

Now what would you say if I told you before 2012, I never won an award for anything? That until recently, I was afraid to post my photos on social media? That I never dreamed anyone would want to buy or license even one of my images? And that the idea of travelling the world doing anything never entered my mind?

What if I told you that for most of my life, I lived with a paralyzing fear of rejection and criticism?

Well that’s all true. It’s only been in the past few years that I’ve been able to overcome my almost debilitating fear of other people’s negative opinions of me and embark on a career – and life – I love.

How I did that is what my book, Be Bigger Than You Think You Are!® is all about. In it, I give simple, easy-to-follow methods you can use to get into action. I show how you can effectively pursue your goals and desires by first noticing and then reprogramming all your negative thoughts and beliefs about yourself. I provide you with tools you can start using today to overcome any fear of rejection and criticism. And I demonstrate how you can move from being your own worst enemy to your own best friend and how that will open the door to an entirely new way of living.

My book will show you on how to BE BIGGER THAN YOU THINK YOU ARE! so you can be, do and have all the things that you’ve always wanted!

Lukija: Peter Alessandria