
Cancer Healed by God's Direction : A Comprehensive and Self - help Guide to Healing Cancer


“EQUIP YOURSELF WITH KNOWLEDGE ABOUT CANCER NOW. The truth is nobody knows about Cancer until it’s too late”.

They say 1 in 3 men or 1 in 4 women will be diagnosed with some type of cancer before they reach 75 years old in Australia. Chadissa says, ‘People die through a lack of knowledge, and enough is enough. People need to know the truth about cancer and how they are bigger than any disease.’

After carrying around a big breast tumour for sixteen months (since January 2016) and changing her diet, Chadissa had enough and decided to lean deeper into God with all her heart for answers. Chadissa decided to take matters into her own hands, refusing conventional hospital cancer treatments when she was diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer in May 2017. She had learnt that through God, any disease can be healed, and she put her faith in his word and was amazed by the outcome.

The atheist in her thought, ‘God, if you are real, show yourself to me and heal my cancer right now!’ When she eventually heard God through herself, he exposed the truth of how she had caused the cancer in her body through negative emotions and further revealed the thirty-six steps she needed to overcome cancer for good! I can guarantee, once you have heard this book, you will have a clearer understanding about the connection between illness and emotions, enabling you to control dis-ease and live in peace forevermore.

In life, do you want to be a victim or a victor? Stay in a box or be free? Make disease terminal, or terminate dis-ease for good? Chadissa certainly wanted to be a free victor without disease!” Now she is free and wants to share the truth with you today.

Look out for Chadissa in Baz Luhrmann’s 2022 Elvis movie, where she plays the role of Blossom #1. She now resides on the Gold Coast in Australia with her two sons.

Excerpt from


By Chadissa

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