
Clear Your Karma Meditation multiple lifetimes cleansing break the vows of poverty sickness manipulations control : remove debts traumas imprints, ancestral emotional baggages, multidimensional


Karmas are energetic memories or ties from the past that are held within our electromagnetic fields inside our bodies. Some of them may be stored in our past lives. Some of this may be inherited from our ancestors. Those bonds can block our natural flow of energy and affect us in this current life. They are only energies in motion and can be released.

This guided meditation will help you release any karmas that block the flow of your energy, your life force in all time-space and dimensions past present, and future. We will break all vows contracts and ties that do not serve you.

In this course, you will,

break the vows of poverty Release physical disease imprints Cut off current and past lives toxic relationships Remove ancestors traumas Let go of self-sabotaging patterns Take back our power Free from karmic debt Forgiving oneself and others mistakes Release all emotional baggage from family members And much much more!

This mediation is a very powerful one. Allow yourself to take back your power and end all unnecessary cycles!!!

Lukija: Chantalia