
Colombia in motion 2010-2013-2016 : The changes in the life of households based on the Colombian Longitudinal Survey (ELCA) by Universidad de los Andes.


The changes in the life of households based on the Colombian Longitudinal Survey (ELCA) by Universidad de los Andes.

The Colombian Longitudinal Survey by the Universidad de los Andes (ELCA by its acronym in spanish), is the first survey of this type that has been

undertaken in Colombia, and that has, to date, three rounds: the baseline in 2010, the first followup round in 2013, and the second follow-up round

in 2016. The project is being developed by the Department of Economics and its objective is to contribute to research on the country by using unique

sources of information that allow for a more precise analysis to be undertaken on the dynamics of households and the changes in their quality of

life over time. Over a decade, ELCA aims to follow more than ten thousand households in urban and

rural zones in Colombia; until now there have been six follow-up years.