
Dragonlight (Lightkey: The Intrepid Lucy Duceaul, Book 2 - PART 2)


The Witchlight Quest guides Lucy and her quirky friends to Dracoterra, dragon territory.

This strange kingdom, once a land of magic, is plagued by the same dark force that kidnapped the elemental deity of Light. Perils, monsters, phoenixes, and wishing trees abound, and the Witchhunters are trailing close behind.

Her only path to becoming a Lightbringer is also a journey in which she must face her own inner darkness.

While her powers are growing, so too is the danger that threatens not only to sweep this magical land into despair, but also engulf her own nature with it.

Will Lucy find the clues that guide her towards her destiny or will these evil forces spell the end of the Lumenary Prophetiae?

Lukija: Scarlet