
Harvard Classics - Complete Collection of the Greatest Works of World Literature


The Harvard Classics stand as a monumental assembly of the pinnacle works in world literature, an anthology that spans epochs, continents, and myriad intellectual landscapes. Within its pages, readers will find an unmatched diversity of literary styles and themes, from the foundational texts of Western philosophy by Plato and Marcus Aurelius to the enchanting narratives of Hans Christian Andersen. This collection not only showcases the enduring masterpieces of renowned figures such as Dante Alighieri and William Shakespeare but also includes pivotal scientific treatises by Charles Darwin, thus affirming the anthology's commitment to the breadth of human intellect and creativity. The inclusion of seminal works by Samuel Johnson, John Stuart Mill, and David Hume, among others, highlights standout pieces that have individually and collectively shaped the contours of global intellectual history. The authors and editors behind this formidable collection are themselves emblematic of the rich tapestry of human achievement and thought they have helped to curate. From the dramatic eloquence of Euripides and Sophocles to the piercing insight of Enlightenment figures like Voltaire and Rousseau, each contributor brings a unique voice that, together, forms a dialogue spanning centuries. The anthology aligns with significant historical, cultural, and literary movements, offering readers a holistic view of the evolution of human thought and the diverse ways in which it has sought to understand and describe its own existence. To dive into the Harvard Classics is to engage with the most eminent minds and their seminal works in an unparalleled scholarly journey. This collection is recommended for anyone eager to explore the vast expanse of human knowledge and artistic expression. It offers a unique opportunity not just for educational enrichment but for a profound engagement with the literary and philosophical dialogue that connects different epochs, cultures, and worldviews. The breadth and depth of insights contained within this anthology ensure it remains an invaluable resource for both seasoned scholars and curious newcomers alike, inviting readers to partake in a timeless intellectual legacy.

Kirjailija: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe Kirjailija: Gotthold Ephraim Lessing Kirjailija: Thomas Carlyle Kirjailija: Plato Kirjailija: Charles Darwin Kirjailija: Dante Alighieri Kirjailija: Euripides Kirjailija: Percy Bysshe Shelley Kirjailija: Charles Lamb Kirjailija: Samuel Johnson Kirjailija: John Stuart Mill Kirjailija: David Hume Kirjailija: Joseph Addison Kirjailija: Leigh Hunt Kirjailija: Epictetus Kirjailija: Thomas De Quincey Kirjailija: Samuel Taylor Coleridge Kirjailija: Jonathan Swift Kirjailija: Christopher Marlowe Kirjailija: Jacob Grimm Kirjailija: Wilhelm Grimm Kirjailija: William Hazlitt Kirjailija: Marcus Tullius Cicero Kirjailija: Daniel Defoe Kirjailija: Aesop Kirjailija: Richard Henry Dana Kirjailija: John Dryden Kirjailija: Pedro Calderón de la Barca Kirjailija: John Ruskin Kirjailija: Robert Burns Kirjailija: David Garrick Kirjailija: Ralph Waldo Emerson Kirjailija: Izaak Walton Kirjailija: John Bunyan Kirjailija: Homer Kirjailija: Edmund Burke Kirjailija: Plutarch Kirjailija: Molière Kirjailija: Aeschylus Kirjailija: Sophocles Kirjailija: William Makepeace Thackeray Kirjailija: Benjamin Franklin Kirjailija: Pierre Corneille Kirjailija: Jean Racine Kirjailija: Robert Browning Kirjailija: Oliver Goldsmith Kirjailija: John Milton Kirjailija: Aristophanes Kirjailija: Virgil Kirjailija: Richard Brinsley Sheridan Kirjailija: William Penn Kirjailija: Philip Sidney Kirjailija: Francis Bacon Kirjailija: Adam Smith Kirjailija: Alessandro Manzoni Kirjailija: Abraham Cowley Kirjailija: Ben Jonson Kirjailija: John Woolman Kirjailija: Sydney Smith Kirjailija: Marcus Aurelius Kirjailija: Hans Christian Andersen Kirjailija: George Gordon Byron Kirjailija: Thomas à Kempis Kirjailija: Richard Steele Kirjailija: Thomas Browne Kirjailija: Thomas Babington Macaulay Kirjailija: Miguel de Cervantes Kirjailija: Friedrich von Schiller Kirjailija: Pliny the Younger Kirjailija: Saint Augustine