
High-Tech, High-Touch Customer Service


In an age of Twitter, smartphones, and self-service kiosks, high-tech but still high-touch customer service is the answer.

Today's customers are a hard bunch to crack. Time-strapped, screen-addicted, value-savvy, and socially engaged, their expectations are tougher than ever for a business to keep up with. They are empowered like never before and expect businesses to respect that sense of empowerment-lashing out at those that don't.

Take heart: Old-fashioned customer service, fully retooled for today's blistering pace and digitally connected reality, is what you need to build the kind loyal customer base that allows you to survive-and thrive. And High-Tech, High-Touch Customer Service spells out surefire strategies for success in a clear, entertaining, and practical way. Discover:

• Six major customer trends and what they mean for your business

• Eight unbreakable rules for social media customer service

• How to effectively address online complainers and saboteurs on Yelp, Twitter