
History of Murder : An Overview of Abuse, Torture, and Genocide


This is a combination of books that will expose you to the darker side of mankind and some of the atrocities committed in history. The following topics will be addressed:

1 Alexander the Great

2 Attila the Hun

3 Genghis Khan

4 Hannibal Barca

5 Napoleon Bonaparte

6 Suleiman the Magnificent

7 Vlad the Impaler

8 William the Conqueror

9 Adolf Eichmann

10 Benito Mussolini

11 Enver Pasha

12 Francisco Pizarro

13 Josef Mengele

14 Oliver Cromwell

15 Paul Joseph Goebbels

16 Pol Pot

17 Robespierre

18 Rudolf Hoess

19 Torquemada

20 Armenian genocide

21 Cambodian genocide

22 Genocide in Darfur

23 Holocaust

24 Rwandan genocide

25 Yugoslavian genocide

This ultimate bundle will give you more insights in history and the dramatic events that took place in the past, whether related to war, genocide, or suppressing the masses by totalitarian regimes. Learn more now!