
HOLD ME, COWBOY Enhanced Edition : Texas Matchmakers


When three older women who set off a nationally advertised "Wives Wanted Campaign" to bring women to their small town of Mule Hollow to marry the lonesome cowboys it's a far fetched idea that's working—look out fellas, the women are coming one car at a time!

Responsible for helping draw attention to Mule Hollow’s national “wives wanted” ad campaign, columnist, Molly Popp’s syndicated column is a must read across the country and hopefully her ticket to a reporting job on Times Square.

But lately she’s been featuring ex-bullfighter Bob Jacobs, reader favorite, more than he’s comfortable with and he’s just put his booted foot down firm…only turns out he’s too late to stop the featured story already coming off the presses. Suddenly Bob-hunting-women are turning up in places they shouldn’t be. And when he gets hurt saving one from a rampaging bull Molly must step in to nurse him back to health.

Bob’s not happy about the circus Molly has turned his life into and now he’s dealing with the sparks that are suddenly heating up between him and Molly, the one woman he’s determined not to fall for. Because if there is one thing his past has taught him it’s that a reporter will give up anything, even love, if the story or the byline is big enough.

Will love bring these two together?

Note: This book was previously published as Dream a Little Dream. This edition includes some fun extras.

Books in the TEXAS MATCHMAKERS series:

Book 1: Dream With Me, Cowboy

Book 2: Be My Love, Cowboy

Book 3: This Heart's Your, Cowboy

Book 4: Hold Me, Cowboy

Book 5: Be Mine, Cowboy

Book 6: Marry Me, Cowboy

Book 7: Cherish Me, Cowboy

Book 8: Surprise Me, Cowboy

Book 9: Serenade Me, Cowboy

Book 10: Return To Me, Cowboy

Book 11: Love Me, Cowboy

Book 12: Ride With Me, Cowboy

Book 13: Dance With Me, Cowboy

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