
How to be a Pearl Oyster


The sages believe that the pearl oyster has been there for thousands of years as a lesson for us humans. It is there to teach us a simple lesson and that is, if we wrap our difficulties and problems and all the things that annoy us with patience, warmth and light then we too can be rich, same as the pearl oyster. We can each be like the oyster with a pearl, if we learn to face and accept each difficulty, each obstacle and each challenge that life presents us with. With patience we can transform ourselves to rise above each and every unpleasant situation.

There is a science to everything in nature and once you understand and apply this science, then everything does become effortless and your success is assured. In this book I reveal to you the science of creating inner pearls in your life and to accumulate an abundance of inner wealth. Once you have succeeded in accumulating enough inner wealth within you, you will have activated the Law of Magnet, which in turn will attract all the abundance that you desire for yourself.

To navigate through the turbulent times that we are presently experiencing, we would do well to pay heed to the lessons of the Pearl Oyster.