
Insects - Science Fiction Stories


Insects - Science Fiction Stories

This audio book collection features three captivating stories about interstellar insects. "The Mad Planet" by Murray Leinster is a thrilling tale about a world consumed by monstrous insects and the struggle of humanity to survive. "The Red Dust" is another exciting story from Leinster, where a space explorer encounters a strange and deadly form of red dust that turns out to be a highly intelligent and dangerous insect species. Lastly, "Tony and the Beetles" by Philip K. Dick explores a future society where a man named Tony must navigate a world ruled by sentient beetles and uncover the truth about their origins and motives.

These tales of space-faring insects are sure to delight fans of science fiction and action-packed adventures.

Track List

1) Tony and the Beetles - Philip K. Dick

The Mad Planet - Murray Leinster

02) 1 - Section 1

03) 2 - Section 2

04) 3 - Section 3

05) 4 - Section 4

The Red Dust Murray Leinster

06) 1 - Prey

07) 2 - The Journey

08) 3 - The Sexton-Beetles

09) 4 - The Forest of Death

10) 5 - Out of Bondage