
Kick Your Ego Aside and Put People First : Five Proven Principles for Making Every Project a success


What makes good projects fail and others (that should fail) succeed? The answer boils down to the people who embody that project and the leaders who lead it.

KICK YOUR EGO ASIDE AND PUT PEOPLE FIRST is a practical approach to people management leadership. It identifies simple, humanistic tools and techniques designed to make any personal, professional, or passion project a MASSIVE success.

Project management is about amplifying the output of others and being the best version of yourself, as both a Project Manager and a human being. The knowledge contained in this guide provides information designed to transform old methodologies, introduces new ones, and rejuvenates proven practices for successful people management.

Be the catalyst to create WORLD-CLASS TEAMS by remembering to KICK YOUR EGO ASIDE AND PUT PEOPLE FIRST!

Lukija: Keith Jedlicka