A renegade sheik named Ali Higg, known as the "Lion of Petra," has become a danger to British interests in Palestine. Jimgrim is an American secret agent working for British Intelligence who seeks to undermine Ali Higg's plans to raid British controlled territory and win him as an ally instead. He is joined by his compatriots Jeff Ramsden and Narayan Sing, a Sikh, who is very dangerous warrior.
The Secret Agent: Ultimate Spy Collection (77 Books in One Volume)
James Fenimore Cooper, John Buchan, William Le Queux, Talbot Mundy, Arthur Conan Doyle, Joseph Conrad, Erskine Childers, George Barton, Robert W. Chambers, Fred M. White, Robert Baden-Powell, John R. Coryell, E. Philips Oppenheim
bookThe Secret Agent: Ultimate Spy Collection (77 Books in One Volume)
James Fenimore Cooper, John Buchan, William Le Queux, Talbot Mundy, Arthur Conan Doyle, Joseph Conrad, Erskine Childers, George Barton, Robert W. Chambers, Fred M. White, Robert Baden-Powell, John R. Coryell, E. Philips Oppenheim
bookTHE SECRET SERVICE - Spy Thrillers Boxed Set : True Espionage Stories, Action Adventures,, International Mysteries, War Stories & Spy Tales: 77 Books in One Volume
James Fenimore Cooper, John Buchan, William Le Queux, Talbot Mundy, Arthur Conan Doyle, Joseph Conrad, Erskine Childers, George Barton, Robert W. Chambers, Fred M. White, Robert Baden-Powell, John R. Coryell, E. Philips Oppenheim
bookSPY THRILLERS - Boxed Set : True Espionage Stories and Biographies, Action Thrillers, International Mysteries, War Stories: 77 Novels & Short Stories
James Fenimore Cooper, John Buchan, William Le Queux, Talbot Mundy, Arthur Conan Doyle, Joseph Conrad, Erskine Childers, George Barton, Robert W. Chambers, Fred M. White, Robert Baden-Powell, John R. Coryell, E. Philips Oppenheim
bookThe Nine Unknown (Spy Thriller) : Secrets of Espionage and Ancient Wisdom in Colonial India
Talbot Mundy
bookThe Secret Agent: Ultimate Spy Collection (77 Books in One Volume) : Intrigue, Adventure, and Deception: A Comprehensive Spy Fiction Anthology
James Fenimore Cooper, John Buchan, William Le Queux, Talbot Mundy, Arthur Conan Doyle, Joseph Conrad, Erskine Childers, George Barton, Robert W. Chambers, Fred M. White, Robert Baden-Powell, John R. Coryell, E. Philips Oppenheim
bookThe Nine Unknown : Unraveling the Secrets of the Ancient Nine: A Tale of Intrigue and Adventure in Colonial India
Talbot Mundy
bookSPY THRILLERS - Boxed Set : True Espionage Stories and Biographies, Action Thrillers, International Mysteries, War Stories: 77 Novels & Short Stories
James Fenimore Cooper, John Buchan, William Le Queux, Talbot Mundy, Arthur Conan Doyle, Joseph Conrad, Erskine Childers, George Barton, Robert W. Chambers, Fred M. White, Robert Baden-Powell, John R. Coryell, E. Philips Oppenheim
bookTHE SECRET SERVICE - Spy Thrillers Boxed Set : True Espionage Stories, Action Adventures,, International Mysteries, War Stories & Spy Tales: 77 Books in One Volume
James Fenimore Cooper, John Buchan, William Le Queux, Talbot Mundy, Arthur Conan Doyle, Joseph Conrad, Erskine Childers, George Barton, Robert W. Chambers, Fred M. White, Robert Baden-Powell, John R. Coryell, E. Philips Oppenheim
bookOm: The secret of Ahbor Valley : Journey into the Mystical Ahbor Valley: Adventure, Mystery, and Ancient Wisdom
Talbot Mundy
bookFull Moon
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bookHer Reputation
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