
Making the Jump : How to Land Your Dream Job When You Get Out of College!


This book has been written with one goal in mind – to show you how you can land the perfect job when you get out of college. It doesn't matter where you are in school (Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, or Senior) the strategies laid out here are going to get you the job that you want! It's full of practical, proven techniques that will both help you to find the job that you want and make it yours!

What You'll Find Inside:

How to get real-world work experience before you get out of college!

Hidden LinkedIn techniques that you can use to get in contact with the people who want to hire you!

Secret tips for mastering the interview process and getting the job!

How to make yourself look different from everyone else who wants the job that you are interviewing for

Dr. Jim Anderson brings his 15 years of college education coupled with his over 25 years of real-world work experience to this book. He's been on both sides of the interview table and he's going to show you exactly what you need to do in order to find and get the job that is perfect for you.

It turns out that this transition from working to get a college degree to starting to use that college degree as part of your first professional job can be made to be a lot less scary. What you need to do is understand that it's going to happen and then start to prepare for it.

It turns out that this finding of a first job after you graduate from college is not all that hard to do. Look at it this way, people have been graduating from college forever and ever and each year thousands of new graduates stream out of colleges all across the country and they all seem to somehow end up working at a job in a fairly short period of time. Sure there are always some exceptions, but we're talking about most people here.

This means that you've got some pretty good odds that you are going to find a job after you graduate. However, I want you to do just a little bit better than that: I want you to find the perfect job for you.

I've spent over 25 years working in the so-called "real world". During that time I've had the opportunity to do my fair share of interviewing and selecting of new college grads. Trust me when I tell you that I have first-hand knowledge of what it takes to be the job candidate that gets selected for a position.

How to find the perfect job for you is exactly what this book is all about. We're going to start at the beginning and we'll take you through the entire process. We're going to be covering everything that you need to know about how to find the right job for you and then how to make sure that the people who are doing the hiring see you as the perfect candidate for that job.